Erosion on Fiji's Coastline

     Since Fiji is an island, it is prone to have various coastal problems. However, a coastal problem that is prominent in Fiji is coastal erosion. Coastal erosion is  defined as “the wearing away of material from a coastal profile.” This problem may have various causes. This problem is seen specifically in the Yasawa Islands in Fiji. Even though the main cause of coastal erosion is sea level rising, there are also other causes to the coastal erosion in Fiji.  In one area, the beach erosion had been caused by the construction of a stonewall which diverted the currents to hit the shore, ultimately causing local beach erosion. In another area, erosion can cause removal and re-deposition of large amounts of sand. Many coastlines have also started to erode due to constant flooding and waves bombarding the shores. 

    Not only does this erosion effect the beauty of the island, but it also greatly impacts the coastal communities. The inhabitants houses are the most vulnerable in villages near the shore. Many people with houses near the coastline are forced to be evacuated to other areas for their own safety. To address the erosion in these areas, the Conservation Ambassadors decided to work with the Reef Rangers to implement action to help protect the coast from erosion. To mitigate the problem of coastal erosion, the Ministry of Agriculture had planted vetiver grass in the coastlines. This type of grass stabilizes coastlines and has been widely used as a solution to deplete the effects of coastal erosion. The grass acts as a natural barrier between the ocean and the shore, therefore, reducing the erosion along the coastline. Now, the grass has grown huge so the rangers have used shoots from the existing clumps to plant more along the coastline. 

     To alert the public about coastal erosion, Fiji discusses erosion through media. The news will typically talk about the sea levels rising only if it is becoming a danger to the coastal inhabitants. People are also kept updated about coastal erosion through radio. By keeping the public informed about the coastal erosions, people can then avoid or, in extreme cases, evacuate the areas that are deemed prone to coastal erosion. 


  1. Hi Sharon,
    Loved your blog on coastal erosion. especially the information on the vetiver grass and how it acts as a barrier between the ocean and shore. My country Costa Rica acknowledges that coastal erosion is an issue but "does not have the funds" to dedicate additional resources for prevention. I''m curious to know if Costa Rica has thought to use the vetiver grass and how effective it is in prevention... Anyways, Great job!


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